Oggi rilascio alcuni stages da inserire nel vostro Mugen, ecco la lunga lista:
- AOF: King & Jack turner stages (2)+
- Ninja Warrior: Aereodotto (1)+
- Willow: 3 stage animati e leggermente editati (3)+
- MvsC: Cliff of desolation (1)+
- Dungeons & Dragons SOM: Boss1 stage (1)+
Today I release some stages to insert in your Mugen, here is the long list:
- AOF: King & Jack turner stages (2) +
- Ninja Warrior: Aereodotto (1) +
- Willow: 3 animated and slightly edited stages (3) +
- MvsC: Cliff of desolation (1) +
- Dungeons & Dragons SOM: Boss1 stage (1) +
Go to "Mugen: Backgrounds" to download...
Andate nella sezione "Mugen: Backgrounds" per scaricarlo.
Marvel VS Capcom: Cliff of Desolation;
Dungeons & Dragons: First Boss Stage.
Kain The Supreme.