Oggi vi porto una piccola grande novità!
ArseneLupin, il mio vecchio char, è stato aggioranto da BruceWayne74 (conosciuto anche come TheGianni74 o Gianni from Partinico) grazie anche a qualche nuovo (un bel po' a dire il vero) file grafico creato da ArseneLupin (Davide Spadoni).
Qui di seguito mi permetto di inserire alcune immagini (screenshots) e i video creati da BruceWayne!
Today I bring you a little big news!
ArseneLupin, my old char, has been updated by BruceWayne74 (also known as TheGianni74 or Gianni from Partinico) thanks to some new (quite a lot 'to be honest) graphic file created by ArseneLupin (Davide Spadoni).
Below some images (screenshots) and videos created by BruceWayne!
Updated moves:
(Stand,crouch,jump basic moves)
x- Light punch - Pugno debole
y- Medium punch - Pugno medio
z- Hard Punch - Pugno forte
a- Light kick - Calcio debole
b- Medium kick - Calcio medio
c- Hard kick - Calcio Forte
running slide kick - (calcio in scivolata)
- F,F,c
frogleap - (salto della cavallina)
- F,F,z (running type)
- F+z (stand type)
- after frogleap
a or x - hammer
b or y - jo-jo
c or z - gun
Lupin III Gun (Forward)
- D,B,x
Lupin III Gun (Down)
- D,B,y
Lupin III Gun (Up with slide)
- D,B,z
Lupin III doll - (bambola mini-lupin)
- D,F,x
TNT Dynamite
- D,F,y
Bottle with liquid explosive - (bottiglia con liquido esplosivo)
- D,F,z
Treasure or Safe (random) - (tesoro o cassaforte)
- D,F,a
Tarzan style
- D,F,b
- D,F,c
Jump Specials
Lupin III Gun (Forward)
- a+b
Lupin III Gun (Down)
- x+y
Tarzan style
- D,F,b
- D,F,c
Crouch specials
Lupin III Gun (Forward)
- a+b
Lupin III Gun (Up with slide)
- x+y
Jigen (gun)
- D,B,x
Goemon (sword attack)
- D,B,y
Fujiko (kiss)
- D,B,z
Hyper level 0.5
Jigen car
- a+x
- b+y
- c+z
It is not possible to have both Jigen gun and Jigen car at the same time
Hyper Combo
- D, DF, F, a+b
- D, DF, F, a+c
- D, DF, F, b+c
Air Hyper Combo (in air)
- D, DF, F, a+b
- D, DF, F, a+c
- D, DF, F, b+c
Sniper - Gun in the Shadows
- D, DF, F, x+y
- D, DF, F, x+z
- D, DF, F, y+z
Jigen gun in the Car
- D, DB, B, a+b
- D, DB, B, a+c
- D, DB, B, b+c
Goemon Slash
- D, DB, B, x+y
- D, DB, B, x+z
- D, DB, B, y+z
Hyper Combo
- D, DF, F, a+b - (after press x,y,z,a,b or c)
- D, DF, F, a+c - (after press x,y,z,a,b or c)
- D, DF, F, b+c - (after press x,y,z,a,b or c)
Jigen Bazooka
a (or x) - after Hyper Combo
Goemon Slash
b (or y) - after Hyper Combo
Fujiko Motor-Bike
c (or z) - after Hyper Combo
Team Combo
- D, DF, F, a+x
- D, DF, F, b+y
- D, DF, F, c+z
Per il download di Lupin The 3rd (vecchio nome "Arsene Lupin") andate nellas ezione Characters e ceercate questa icona:
Go to "Mugen: Characters - Personaggi" to download...
Andate nella sezione "Mugen: Characters - Personaggi" per scaricarlo.
Kain The Supreme.